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BenchmarkDotNet=v0.11.5, OS=Windows 10.0.18362
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X, 1 CPU, 16 logical and 8 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=3.0.100
  [Host] : .NET Core 3.0.0 (CoreCLR 4.700.19.46205, CoreFX 4.700.19.46214), 64bit RyuJIT
  Core   : .NET Core 3.0.0 (CoreCLR 4.700.19.46205, CoreFX 4.700.19.46214), 64bit RyuJIT

Job=Core  Runtime=Core  

|           Method |     Mean |     Error |    StdDev |      Min |      Max | Ratio | RatioSD |
|----------------- |---------:|----------:|----------:|---------:|---------:|------:|--------:|
|       Manual Map | 1.771 us | 0.0048 us | 0.0045 us | 1.765 us | 1.783 us |  1.00 |    0.00 |
|          Wayless | 2.278 us | 0.0055 us | 0.0051 us | 2.272 us | 2.290 us |  1.29 |    0.00 |
|          Mapster | 6.223 us | 0.0546 us | 0.0484 us | 6.123 us | 6.303 us |  3.51 |    0.03 |


A basic object-object mapper written with speed and usability as the first priority.

To map from a source to destination object create an instance of the Wayless mapper. By default source and destination properties are matched by name – case insenstive.

var mapper = new Wayless<PersonDTO, Person>(new SetRuleBuilder<PerstonDTO, Person>().UseDefault());

Mapping rules are applied via a call to the Map methods.

PersonDTO personDTO = mapper.Map(person);


Unlike prior versions (before 2.0), you have to create an instance of the mapping store, WayMore.

WayMore _waymore = new WayMore();

From here on you can use your WayMore instance to access and modify mappers. This adds flexibility and doesn’t restrict you to using one set of rules for a pair of mappings.

By using an instance based store the flow of code is cleaner as well. Instead of calling WayMore.Wayless.SetRules<TD,TS> you use your instance to SetRules - _wayMoreInstance.SetRules<TD,TS>. This makes the mappings only valid for that instance, not globally.

Values can be mapped or set using the overloaded FieldMap and FieldSet methods. If auto matching is enabled you can use FieldSkip to ignore a field.

Both FieldMap and FieldSet have the ability to perform conditional mapping.

.SetRules<PersonDTO, Person>(cfg =>
	// set phone number to '8675309' if First
	cfg.FieldMap(dest => dest.FirstName
		   , src => src.Nickname
		   , src => src.Phone == "8675309")
	    .FieldSet(dest => dest.Nickname
		    , "Jenny"
		    , src => src.Phone == "8675309")

Using a simple Json file you can pair destination and source properties using the JsonFileMatchMaker

.SetRules<PersonDTO, Person>(cfg =>

A call to FinalizeRules() is optional. Wayless will check if the SetRuleBuilder has been finalized, if not it will go ahead and make the call prior to compiling the map function.


WayMore is a thread-safe singleton that stores previously configured and requested instances of Wayless. Via the singleton you can configure and cache mappings for future use by calling SetRules or request a mapper by calling the overloaded Get method.

To cache an instance of a mapper you can configure it ahead of time (application startup) and use it later by calling the Get method, or directly use the mapper by calling the generic Map from WayMore.

.SetRules<PersonDTO, Person>(cfg =>
	cfg.FieldMap(d => d.FirstName, s => s.Nickname)
	    .FieldMap(d => d.Nickname, s => $"{s.LastName}, {s.FirstName}")
	    .FieldSet(d => d.CreateTime, DateTime.Now)

var personDTO = _waymore.Map<PersonDTO, Person>(person);

SetRules returns a reference to WayMore to enable chained configurations

.SetRules<PersonDTO, Person>(cfg =>
	cfg.FieldMap(d => d.FirstName, s => s.Nickname)
	   .FieldMap(d => d.Nickname, s => $"{s.LastName}, {s.FirstName}")
	   .FieldSet(d => d.CreateTime, DateTime.Now)
.SetRules<PersonDTONested, PersonNested>(cfg =>
	var nestedMapper = _waymore.Get<PersonDTO, Person>();
	cfg.FieldMap(x => x.NestedPersonDTO, x => nestedMapper.Map(x.NestedPerson))

Once configured you can request and instance of the object pair mapper and then call Map through the instance.

var personDtoMapper = _waymore.Get<PersonDTO, Person>();
var personDto = personDtoMapper.Map(person);

You can also directly call the Map function through WayMore.

var personDto = _waymore.Map<PersonDTO, Person>(person)

Both calls will used cached mapper instances.


You can use Waymore with any dependency injection API by registering the IWayMore interface. For best performance you should register it as a singleton with rule declerations. In the example below we use Microsoft’s DI API to register and configure our singleton

	new WayMore()
	.SetRules<PersonDTO, Person>(cfg =>
		cfg.FieldMap(d => d.FirstName, s => s.Nickname)
		   .FieldMap(d => d.Nickname, s => $"{s.LastName}, {s.FirstName}")
		   .FieldSet(d => d.CreateTime, DateTime.Now)
	.SetRules<PersonDTONested, PersonNested>(cfg =>
		var nestedMapper = waymore.Get<PersonDTO, Person>();
		cfg.FieldMap(x => x.NestedPersonDTO, x => nestedMapper.Map(x.NestedPerson))